The Real Secret to Making Money Selling Insurance Policies As an Independent Agent

If you are thinking of selling your life and home insurance and have not yet taken up the process to apply online, perhaps it is time you did so. Why has the entire process taken so long? What are the possible benefits? If you have been shopping for life and home insurance, then I congratulate you on making the decision to sell your policies. I wish you every success in your new venture. Read this article to learn how to sell insurance independently.
It has taken me over a year to get through all the paperwork, meet all the underwriting department people and finally to be accepted by the underwriters. I was told that I would be selling life insurance independently shortly but it really did not happen until late January or early February of this year. The whole process took about one week.
At the outset I thought that selling insurance independently was a good idea because I wanted to retain control over the whole process. My first step was to contact two different agencies and arrange an interview with their directors. At the interview I made sure that I presented a strong Prima facie case for why my plaintiffs needed an insurance agency. This included: the need for better underwriting underwritten; proof of cash flow; evidence of stable income; that I had been paying my premiums on time; that I owned my own house; and that I owned no other collectible or non-collectible assets.
On my second visit to the agency the lady at the desk asked if I had written a letter to the SS Czar requesting such assistance. She explained that there was such a letter available, but that I could not hand it in personally. "If you do not have the letter then you should ask your lawyer to get it for you," she replied. After this it did not take long for me to leave the agency with the same information that I had received from the first visit.
My third visit to an insurance company made it clear to them that I was still the right person to work with. I told them about my original comments to the agent during our first meeting, but they were gracious enough to let me keep it. Instead they offered to put together a package deal for me that included all of their discount deals. Not only did this package make more sense financially, it also made sense from a business point of view, and I had no problem with it whatsoever.
So here is the real secret to making money selling insurance policies - never give up! Even when the going gets tough and your agents and underwriters want you to close, do not give up. Keep trying. In the long run you will win. And who knows, you may find yourself the next Richard Jordan, sitting side by side with the insurance company reps and making lots of money yourself. Learn more about this subject by clicking here: